Production Blog
With this blog there isn't much to report on. It's been a long time since I've written one of these blogs, and I'm still not used to it. But its need so I'll try my best to explain what we as a group have so far. But to complain a bit these blogs were always the ones I dread doing. Even though it's gotten to the point where the due dates are so close together that it's haunting me. It's incredible that I'm still able to stay ahead of them and turn in assignments on time; it's astonishing what can happen to a struggling high school kid. But, if I can bring this discourse back to the task at hand, I'll start with the music video's current production. So far, everything has gone swimmingly, and there hasn't been a single issue with planning or pacing. Their haven't been confirmed filming spots for the movie but we are working on it as quickly as we can. When locations come to mind we mostly think of somewhere secluded. Since our movie genre is horror we want to be able to build up tension the right way. So maybe some shots with the stalker following the victim on a empty road. Some shots of the victim being paranoid as well as the chase scenes that has to be filmed. They are the highlight of the movie so its needed as well as the scene where the victim gets harmed. We get an over-the-shoulder shot of the MC running and a revelation of the SC pursuing behind her. Suspenseful music begins to play slowly as the hunt is revealed. In an eye level viewpoint, the MC begins to move quicker. The music gets louder and more intense as she sprints. Then we see an angle from her hip to her foot, which transforms into a low running angel. The camera tilts and closes in on her face as she rushes. The sound of her out-of-breathing respiration starts to drown out the music. But thats the idea so far, hopefully there will be more to report on the next blog.
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