
Showing posts from March, 2022

Production Blog

 We were unable to film owing to the inclement weather and the absence of some of our scheduled items for today. It's a pity that things have to go backwards, but as a team, we're determined to get through this. However, I dislike the fact that we are still unable to complete our assignment. I'm hoping for the best so that we can finally get started and finish filming. Since this is the final work, I personally hope that we can do it as quickly as possible and that it meets the grading standards. This just gets me melancholy, and I often believe that we should cherish it, but enough with the rambling, we're getting off track. As I previously stated, I'm both enthusiastic for the filming portion of this and thrilled to be writing the subsequent blogs for it. I'll make do with what we have, even if I don't have much equipment for what I want to do with our planning. There's still so much to see and see that it's making me exhausted just thinking about ...

Production Blog

Unfountanly, we couldn't film due the massive amounts of rain that happen today. So sad that things have to set back once again but we as a team wish to push pass this. But personally I don't like the fact that we still can't do anything for our assignment. Wishing for the best to happen so we can finally start and get filming over and done with. Since this is the final task, I personally hope we can get this done as so as we can and for it can meet up to the grading standards.  Even though we couldn't film we were able to make some progress. I thought about different locations we can film and one that came to mind is the park near my house. Its a nice park with a lot of space to film in an dcan overall be perfect scene for the movie. But the only complication is that I live far from the school so the park is also far from the school. It would be hard for all of us to plan and schedule what day is right to film. I'm thinking during some weekend but we are going to n...

Production Blog

 With this blog there isn't much to report on. It's been a long time since I've written one of these blogs, and I'm still not used to it. But its need so I'll try my best to explain what we as a group have so far. But to complain a bit these blogs were always the ones I dread doing. Even though it's gotten to the point where the due dates are so close together that it's haunting me. It's incredible that I'm still able to stay ahead of them and turn in assignments on time; it's astonishing what can happen to a struggling high school kid. But, if I can bring this discourse back to the task at hand, I'll start with the music video's current production. So far, everything has gone swimmingly, and there hasn't been a single issue with planning or pacing. Their haven't been confirmed filming spots for the movie but we are working on it as quickly as we can. When locations come to mind we mostly think of somewhere secluded. Since our mov...