Production Blog

 We were unable to film owing to the inclement weather and the absence of some of our scheduled items for today. It's a pity that things have to go backwards, but as a team, we're determined to get through this. However, I dislike the fact that we are still unable to complete our assignment. I'm hoping for the best so that we can finally get started and finish filming. Since this is the final work, I personally hope that we can do it as quickly as possible and that it meets the grading standards. This just gets me melancholy, and I often believe that we should cherish it, but enough with the rambling, we're getting off track. As I previously stated, I'm both enthusiastic for the filming portion of this and thrilled to be writing the subsequent blogs for it. I'll make do with what we have, even if I don't have much equipment for what I want to do with our planning. There's still so much to see and see that it's making me exhausted just thinking about it. But we can do it; I have so much faith in this team that I'm confident we'll be able to complete the task and achieve the finest possible result. It's hard to realize we're so close to being done with it.

I can't believe we're so close to start filming everything, and I'm excited to get started on the new things. I'm incredibly excited to do a horror film. But that's it for today; I hope I was able to adequately explain everything, even though I rambled through the majority of it, which is good. Everything will be okay and I'm sure we can do this. Though personally with the amusement I'm scared if we can do this and have it done in time. But I hope we can and do it and get it done for the best our ability. 

And perhaps this misshaped caused us to do a lot of changes and have to add some of our backup scenarios, but it was fine because we had this straightened out. To be honest, the entire experience made us feel like actual performers in real movies, which is very thrilling when you consider it. But, of course, with this blog post, I bid you farewell; thank you for taking the time to read.


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