Production Blog - Final Stages of Filming
Starting this I will like to celebrate the fact that filming has started and ended today and I can't be more happier than I am now. Now that's its over a lot offs stress has been lifted and I can't wait to see everything edited. There was a lot of stressful annoying moments that happened when trying to film but I'm glad we were able to come around it. There has been so much problems that involves groupmates being annoyed by the other and I'm glad we can get this done. I really didn't like staying after school to go to the park to film but heyit got the job done and I barely made it home before the sun went down so it was a win win. On both sides I'm sure all groupmates felt the same way about our plans on filming. To be really honestly No matter how much I rather be at home its was quite enjoyable to spend time after school with friends. It was nice to mess around and laugh while filming. It was awkward when more people arrived at the park but soon enough it was to the point where we didn't care. Also one of my groupmates' friend join us while filming and helps up take shots and being in them as herself. It was really enjoyable having her around to lighten up the mood and make us laugh. Its honestly nice having these moments with people. But with this I'm proud to say that the takes are now being edited and taken care f to the point that I can noe relaxed. Also be able to go home more earlier and I really need that again. We made sure to take and make as many needed angles possible when filming to make sure we have everything that we will need.
To be honest I sure this Music Video won't be our best but we tried our best and hope it was okay in a academic point of view. We really did have high hopes going into this but a lot of stuff happened on my half that made lose lots interest for the assignment. Plus the fact we had to drop so many of our plans to fit into the schedules we can try to do also killed the fun. But really its fine, I'm just glad that its done and being processed. But with this I'll be taking my leave with this and hope to feel even better when doing the next blog.
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