Filming Day DAY TWO
I'm proud to announce that filming day part two has come to an amazing and well instructed end for us. We as a group our completely done with the filming process and are ready to move into the editing of our film. I'm glad everything as well as it did the first time we filmed and I'm glad our group could do this, I'm so proud of them, Luka/Shannon, Zahra and even Vanessa even through she wasn't present for the end of it. Still kind of worried for her and I still do hope for the best for her. Filming as before went fine, switched up the people for filming so that others had a chance to be in the video and added new scenes to wrap everything together. It was a lot of fun being the camera person and filming up props to be used. Even when the weather wasn't on our side we made it work and we achieved and filming done. We made plans on what editing is going to look for us when we get to it, still don't know what type of style we are going for but most likely w will follow the old commercials style for Crayola. And just thinking about that is very exciting, I always loved everything old and vintage. Old timey shows or films was always the best in my opinion. You can tell how much work they put into it just by watching the actors and their passion for their roles as characters. The props they use, even when they would look good to our standards or prop making but you can se the time and effort that got placed into it. This just makes me sentimental, always that to appreciate the old age I will say but anyway enough with this rambling we are getting off track. As I was saying I'm both excited for the editing part of this and HAPPY to write the next two blogs for it. Even though I don't have mush equipment for what I want to do with our clips, I'll make do with what we got. There's so much left to do and see I'm awfully so tired just thinking about it. But we can do it, I have so much faith in this team that I'm we can do this and succeed with the best score we can get. Can't believe we are so close to being down with everything, also can't wait to start the new assignments. I'm really looking forward to doing a movie for horror, I already have plans for that one. But that's enough for today, I hope was able to explain everything properly even though I rambled though most of it but that's fine.
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