Editing Blog
We as a group were able to start filming and finish in one day and I cannot be more happier for group. I'm glad despite the many troubles we have to go through to get this done that we are now moving on to the stages of editing. The filming process is really fun to do and I had a great time doing it. We were able to communicate very well and chop down more ideas that we had to do it just right. I'm glad everything went smoothly and we were able to finish. And just in time too because right after filming it started raining really hard. So I'm really glad we were able to get it done so fast and so easily as well. The person who is going to start editing is Vanessa as always and I'm sure she's going to do a great job. She started talking about ideas for how she's going to edit it and I think the thing she came up with was very good. I'll just leave it to the expert really because honestly I can't edit for the life of me. So I'm glad she was able to step up once again and do a great job like she did every time. With this final task I'm just glad everything's over and we can finally relax but essays for coming up so not much relaxing. I hope that we all can do a great job on the essays despite essays not being my strong suit I'm just hoping I get a passing grade. I did well on other extracts so I hope I do well on these.
As I write this, the editing process is in full swing, and I couldn't be more pleased. It's been a long and stressful journey, but I'm delighted we've arrived at this stage and are almost finished. Due to a few problems, I don't have as high expectations for this production as I did earlier. There are a lot of other sequences that could have been better than the ones we did after the filming process, but it's too late now. But, to be honest, it's not a big deal; I'll survive, and I'm sure my friends won't mind if the clips are messed up. But, honestly, I can live with a few missing parts in the mix.
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