Title Website Research Blog
Title Website Research
Hello again. Currently we are working on researching title sequences that are basically always in films. A title is an important part of a film. It lets you know the people who worked on said film. They tell who the important people are and give credit to them. They tell you about the producers, actors, editors,etc. They are way more important than they may seem. They also give you the vibe of the film. The people who create them try to make sure of that. For example take a horror film, they are usually scary so they will try to show that in the title sequence. They would use effects to also enhance the sequence. These effects sometimes are 3d to also make it cool and exciting to the viewer. Also title sequences should hint or foreshadow at what is going to happen to the characters. They want to give the viewer a feeling of excitement or make them want to see what happens later in the film. Features that are typically found in these title sequences are Typography, Editing, Imagery, etc. They are used to enhance the sequence so it isn’t boring or interesting. Some title sequences that people find really well done are Dawn of the Dead(2004) and Deadpool. They use some of the features that were mentioned.They also foreshadow what the film will be like. For example the Deadpool title sequence includes someone being shot. The movie itself is just as violent, and the title did a good job at showing that.
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