Project Blog - Crayola Commercial

 Today, On the 10th of October 2021, We are completely done with our commercial, our first major project of this class. This was a great experience for us and for what we are going to do as we work forward. We are glad that we are able to do this and succeed to the best of our ability. I am proud of our first production and how or group will progress in the future. They are amazingly good for this and I'm honored to be able to work for them.  This project really shows how capable I am to be in this class and I'm proud of myself and hope that I can be able to improve better in the future. This will be the goal  hope to reach by the end of this school year. Honestly would be amazing if I could and even better if I could be able to stay on track. I want o be able to act more in the videos, it was a lot of fun to do it. And beginning n that positions makes it tens times better when you can share a laugh with your teammates. But I hope you are able to enjoy the way the commercial is presented and consider and appreciate the work that went into it.


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